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Chinese translation for "magic cube"


Related Translations:
cube:  短语和例子cube1n.1.立方体[形],正六面体。2.立方,三次幂,三乘;〔pl.〕 〔美俚〕骰子。3.立体闪光灯 (= flashcube)。短语和例子magic cube 魔方〔积木式玩具〕。vt.1.三乘;求体积;使成立方体;铺方石。2.(把马铃薯等)切成(小)方块;切成丁。n.【植物;植物学】尼古矛果 (Lonchocarpus nicou)。
cube powder:  方形火药。
cube farm:  办公农场〔指由多个小间隔成的办公室〕。
bouillon cube:  (切成方块的)浓缩肉汤冻。
cube sugar:  方糖。
cube root:  【数学】立方根。
magic:  adj.魔术的,巫术的,幻术的,不可思议的,有奇异魔力的。 magic words 咒语。 a magic wand 魔杖。 magic beauty 妖艳无比的美丽。n.魔法,巫术,幻术,妖术;魔术,戏法;不可思议的魔力。 black [white] magic驱使恶魔[天神]的魔术。 natural magic(不借助神力的)奇术。 as (if) by magic 像
magic bullet:  魔弹〔指能消灭病菌、病毒、癌细胞等而又不会伤害宿主的药,如六○六等〕。
magic hand:  (核反应堆等操作时用的)机械手,人造手。
magic square:  纵横图,幻方〔一大方框分成井字形的小方框,小方框中的数字纵向相加或横向相加,其和相等〕。
Example Sentences:
1.Discovery of a method of constructing magic cubes of order 4n
2.Break up the magic cube elements and endow them a certain function and a new combination like cells so that we can got a diversified , flexible , multi - culture and acclimation products
3.Firstly , a natural number chaotic sequence is created with the key . then the image matrix is transformed with this chaotic sequence , using the magic cube transformation . the results indicate that the proposed algorithm can get a satisfying effect
4.Guided by brand recognition , “ marketing magic cube for school brandtm ” of three - men try to achieve the expected goals by spreading brand culture , stimulating brand imagination , consolidating brand memory , communicating in depth and forming brand loyalty
5.This arithmetic divides the wavelet coefficients of carrier image into 27 - classes by the background luminance , the texture and the edge mask character of visual system ; then after encrypting watermark image with magic cube transformation , the ycbcr model is employed , it embeds the watermark sequences in the carrier image with different intensity according to the coefficients " classes of carrier image in y channel
首先,将载体rgb图像转换到ycbcr颜色空间,然后提取亮度通道y ,将其进行小波变换,然后利用人眼视觉模型对载体图象分解后的小波系数进行分类。其次,对有意义的水印图像分别进行3次不同的魔方置乱,得到3个随机水印序列。
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